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اشترك في نشرتنا الإخبارية واحصل على رمز قسيمة خصم 10% لطلبك الأول. انتظر رمز الخصم عبر البريد الإلكتروني قبل تقديم طلبك. *العرض صالح للعملاء الجدد فقط. لا يمكن دمجه مع عروض ترويجية أخرى.
° Nespresso ® is a registered trademark of Société des Produits Nestlé S.A.,Tea Pods capsules are not affiliated with nor approved by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A.
° K-Cup ® and Keurig ® are registered trademarks of Green Mountain, Inc., Tea Pods capsules are not affiliated with nor approved by Green Mountain, Inc.
Good variety pack option for me and my parents. We were surprised that tea in capsules is available. Will definitely order again. Thanks for the fast shipping!
As Jim Cary in the Mask would say, "Smokin'!" This is so savory. I'd love to braise a brisket in it while having a cup or two at the same time
The rose scent is bright, I don’t get much peach, but really enjoying it
Great variety of options. I just wish there were more capsule combinations featuring peppermint and paradise flavors.
Extremely happy with the product!
Good variety pack option for me and my parents. We were surprised that tea in capsules is available. Will definitely order again. Thanks for the fast shipping!
As Jim Cary in the Mask would say, "Smokin'!" This is so savory. I'd love to braise a brisket in it while having a cup or two at the same time
The rose scent is bright, I don’t get much peach, but really enjoying it
Great variety of options. I just wish there were more capsule combinations featuring peppermint and paradise flavors.
Extremely happy with the product!